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Term 6

Welcome to Gold Class

Gold class team would like to welcome all the children back after the half-term.
We have a term filled with fun for the children and are looking forward to learning our new topic "Going on Holiday".

Curriculum overview

Supporting Learning at Home

This term we will be looking at our book "The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch", By Rhonda and David Armitage.  Our learning will be based on this book.  It would be great if you could share this story with your child at home. 


Please click on this link -





Key Dates and other information

PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Please can you ensure that your child has a PE kit in school. This will be a white t-shirt, shorts and a pair of daps/trainers. Please can these items be sent in a bag with your child's name on each item of clothing. We will keep the PE kits in school and send them home at the end of every term.