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Senior Leadership Team

Karl Hemmings - Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Margarita Steer - Deputy Head, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Hazel Sinclair - Assistant Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for Children Looked After

Craig Tucker - Head of Post 16

Gemma Britton - Early Years Lead

Alice Maggs - Positive Behaviour Support Programme Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Tracy Rogers - Curriculum Lead

Angela Windsor - DSL & SENDCO and Assessment Lead

Kristina Emery - Pupils' Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead

Karen Miller - Behaviour Lead - PBSB

Kerry Purnell - Leader for Physical Disabilities

Class-Based Staff

Please see class pages for class-based staff.

Admin Staff / Caretakers

Natasha Kilminster - Office Manager

Emma Vincent - Receptionist (Primary and Secondary site)

Louise Kauz - Receptionist (Secondary site)

Sally Walker - Receptionist (Primary and Secondary site)

Andy Watts  - Caretaker (Secondary site)

 - Caretaker (Primary site)

Enable Trust Central Staff Team