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Term 6

Nearly there!! It's our last term of the school year.

This term's topic is IN THE GARDEN

We will be reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and will be making the most of the weather with lots of visits to the local parks.

Curriculum overview

Story Time

Our story this term is 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar


In maths this term we will continue to work on our understanding of number and shapes through songs and rhymes. Click the link below to see one of the songs we will be focusing on.

Shape song swingalong



Key Dates and other information

PE will take place on a Thursday afternoon.  Please can you ensure that your child has a PE kit in school. This will be a white t-shirt, shorts and a pair of daps.  Please can these items be sent in a bag with your child's name on each item of clothing.  We will keep the PE kits in school and send them home at the end of every term.

Outdoor learning will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothing on this day.

Our class swimming sessions are every Monday afternoon. Please make sure that your child has a swimming kit, towel, and swimming nappy that can be kept in school.

Monday 3rd June: First day of term 6.

Monday 1st July: School closed - Staff Inset Training day

Tuesday 23rd July: Last day of term 6