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Term 6

We are looking forward to welcoming Diamond class back to the last term of the school year!

We are looking forward to enjoying the sunshine and preparing for transitions in September. 

Curriculum overview

Our topic this term is Let's Go on Holiday!

Our topic will involve looking at holidays in the past (including Victorian times and 1950s) and exploring David Hockney in our art sessions. We will also use the Charanga music scheme to explore music 'Bringing Us Together'. 

Our books for the term are 'The Boy in the Tower' by Polly Ho-Yen. The students are enjoying this one and want to continue reading it this term. Our other book is 'Greetings From Sandy Beach' by Bob Graham. 

Our topics for maths will be fractions, time and mass/weight. 

In PSHE, we will be looking at the Jigsaw topic 'Changing Me', which will focus on lifecycles, how our bodies change and other changes we will be facing as we approach the end of another academic year. 

Once a week in Diamond class we practice life skills by cooking Janet on a Wednesday. She will also be teaching our netball topic for PE. 

Each Thursday, we practice more of our life skills in Talentino. This term we hope to get back into the garden and plant some flowers. We are also taking part in the Thornbury in Bloom Potato Growing competition.  




Key Dates and other information

PE remains on a Wednesday afternoon. Students can wear their PE Kits into school for the whole day. Janet is our teacher for the day. 

As the weather begins to get hotter, please remember a named bottle of sunscreen for your student.

There is an INSET day this term on Monday 1st July. School will be closed to students. We hope you and your student enjoy the extra day at home!

The last day of term is Tuesday 23rd July.