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Term 6

Curriculum Overview

Welcome to Term 6! Where has this academic year gone? This term we will be preparing to say goodbye to our Year 14s as well as carry out opportunities to transition and induct our Year 11s ready to be students in Post 16 in September.

Term 6 Timetable

We are hoping to be 'out and about lots' this term. We have recently adapted our newspaper delivery routes and so we will be able to walk to deliver the monthly edition of 'Thornbury Voice', rather than use the minibus. This 'Experience of Work' helps to reduce the ticket price of our end of year Prom.

We will be carrying out an exciting project at Woodhouse which will involve designing and painting a new mural!

In preparation for selling at a local Summer Fayre, we will be busy potting our seedlings, planting cacti as well as making some more bird feeders as part of our Enterprise work.

This Term's Timetables


Key Dates and Information

This year we will be selling our Enterprise products at Manorbrook     Primary School   Summer Fayre on  Friday 21st June     from 6pm

Our Prom is on Tuesday 16th July at The Gables Hotel. We can't wait!